Mirage experimentation

Bleached silk organza, cotton velvet dune cushions, metallic mylar, 2020

17.78 x 12.7 x 15.24 cm

"I work in installation art, a medium which inherently utilizes space to immerse viewers in an experience. Installation art changes our relationship to space, its physicality, light and soundscape. The most important relationship in installation art is the one with the viewer, as they are active participants when navigating its modified spatial parameters. As Diane is inviting me, I was questioning myself what type of 'sellable work' I had available. But this thinking is not representative of my body of work. 

My work is emotional, and experiential. This specific work was in response to the confinement. Our domestic spaces now overlap to become at once a home, an office, a space for leisure and more; an overwhelming multitude which prevents retreat to safe spaces and control over our sensory stimulation. 

This work is a space, a mirage, and oasis where viewers are invited to lie and bathe in a silk sky. I am aware that the work may not be accessible to all collectors. I therefore decided to sell an element of the work: the silk sky, so that you can bathe there.” 
– Rihab

Biographical note
Rihab Essayh lives and works in Montréal.