Le cerisier de Virginie/Virginia Chokecherry

Aquarelle sur papier, 2017

30.48 x 40.64 cm

This work is part of a series of 11 watercolour illustrations produced for The Champ des Possible’s 2016 catalogue of urban biodiversity. Each painting portrays a particular species of flora or fauna living in the species-rich, post-industrial urban field of Mile End, Montreal. 

The aim of the publication was to increase awareness of the importance of biodiversity within the city for the health and wellbeing of all, thereby calling on citizens, neighbours, businesses, city staff and the public at large to value and protect such urban wilds. To learn more about the non-profit community organisation Les Amis du Champ des Possibles, visit their webpage or pass through the field.

Biographical note
My artistic practice today responds to and interrupts ideologies of human power over nature. I worry particularly about habitat loss and species degradation and feel that my practice must address environmental rights and our responsibilities towards others. I respond to being in contact with other than human life-worlds such as urban waste spaces, garden cohabitations and novel ecosystems, and non-living objects such as air pollution. Through observation and responsiveness, which lead me to work across disciplines and in collaboration with others, I create platforms for these species to communicate their experience, and encounters with which our interrelatedness may be felt.